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A short walk along the beautiful Via dei Fori Imperiali (pic n°6) will lead you to Piazza Venezia, a large majestic square that hosts the impressive Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (pic n°5), which is a National Monument (the Italian name is "Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II", even though it is mostly known as "Altare della Patria" or "Vittoriano").
The magnificent monument, built by architect Giuseppe Sacconi in 1911 but completed in 1935, is dedicated to Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of unified Italy. From 1921, it also hosts a monument dedicated to the Unknown Soldier and an eternal-burning flame, so that it is recognized as one of the most important patriotic monuments in Italy.
The monument includes a lot of allegoric statues and decorations, which depicts the main virtues of unified Italy. In recent history, 'Altare della Patria' is a great attraction to admire but it is also the location where many celebrations of national events take place.
Colosseum (pic n°1); Colosseum inside (pic n°2); The Arch of Constantine (Altare della Patria) (pic n°3); The Arch of Constantine (pic n°4); Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Altare della Patria) (pic n°5); Via dei Fori Imperiali (pic n°6);
More about: Rome, the Eternal City, the beautiful capital of Italy
Id: 11
Tour: Visiting Coliseum the symbol of Rome and Altare della Patria
Category: Art City
Published by/Copyright: Touring-Italy.net
Location: Countryside
Region: Latium , Italy
Hits: 10766
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