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Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy


Corinaldo is a small Medieval village protected by walls, and considered as one of the most beautiful towns in Italy

Itinerary: Corinaldo
Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy
Corinaldo is a beautiful Medieval village located in the province of Ancona (in the Marche region), considered as one of the best-preserved and most charming villages in Italy. It is a rare example of a Medieval town with defensive walls (pic n°5) built in the fifteenth century, and still beautifully intact. You can experience a walk along the walkway of these 912-meter-long towering walls and admire its bulwarks, defensive towers and peculiar dovetail battlements (pic n°3). Do not forget to enjoy the amazing panoramic views as well!

Corinaldo (pic n°1) is an important destination for religious pilgrimages because this is the birthplace of Maria Goretti, the patroness of young girls and of victims of sexual assault and rape, who was sanctified in 1902. You can visit her birthplace and the shrine (pic n°4) built in her honor, which houses a relic.

You can also visit some churches, historical buildings and a couple of museums. The village of Corinaldo is also known as the "Città dei Matti" (City of Fools), where you will find the famous "Cannone di Fico" (Cannon of Fico) and "Casa di Scuretto" (pic n°6) (House of Scuretto): these are linked to some stories rich in charm and humor. Finally, the not-to-be-missed attraction in Corinaldo is "Piaggia" (pic n°2), a 100-steps impressive stairway. When you are halfway, you will encounter a famous well, called "Pozzo della Polenta" (Well of Polenta).

The well is connected to the historical re-enactment of "Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta" (Contention of the Well of Polenta), one of the most important events in Corinaldo (and the oldest in the province of Ancona) that takes place every year on the third week of July. On this occasion, the village is crowded with jugglers, ladies, acrobats, flag wavers, and other Medieval-time characters. Together with jousts, tournaments, and shows, they will make you relive the Middle Ages.

But events did not end up here. In fact, every year during the week preceding Halloween, Corinaldo becomes the Italian capital of horror: the Feast of the Witches features decorations, workshops, activities, and shows along the streets of the historic center, and culminates with the election of Miss Witch.

Some pictures of Corinaldo:

Corinaldo (pic n°1); "Piaggia", a 100-steps impressive stairway (pic n°2); The peculiar dovetail battlements (pic n°3); The birthplace and the shrine of Maria Goretti (pic n°4); The Medieval town with its defensive walls (pic n°5); House of Scuretto (pic n°6)

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Photo gallery

Tour in Italy: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy - pic 1
Tour in Italy: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy - pic 2
Tour in Italy: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy - pic 3
Tour in Italy: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Pic 4
Tour in Italy: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Pic 5
Tour in Italy: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Pic 6
Itinerary map

Tour map


Id: 67

Tour: Corinaldo: one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Category: Art City

Published by/Copyright: Touring-Italy.net

Location: Countryside

Region: Marches , Italy

Hits: 34700

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