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Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea


Discover the beautiful coastline along the Gulf of Policastro where Maratea, the pearl of the Tyrrhenian sea is located

Itinerary: Castrocucco, Maratea, Rivello, Gulf of Policastro, Tyrrhenian sea
Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea
A part of the coastline that stretches between the headland of Infreschi and Scalea, bathed by the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (pic n°4) is called Gulf of Policastro. It is nothing less than a natural paradise, featuring 32 kilometers of an extremely beautiful landscape, with sheer cliffs overlooking the sea, small coves, and rocky headlands.

The Gulf spreads along three Italian provinces: Salerno (in Campania), Potenza (in Basilicata), and Cosenza (in Calabria), and takes its name after Policastro, a small village built on the ruins of an ancient city of Greek origins.

The Basilicata region has only a small stretch of coast along the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is here at the Gulf of Policastro. The most beautiful and popular destination of the Gulf is located here, in Basilicata, which is the village of Maratea (pic n°1), an evocative Medieval town.

Maratea is also called "the City with 44 churches", therefore, it is a special destination for those who love religious monuments and churches. The Basilica di San Biagio, Church of San Vito, and Church of Santa Maria Maggiore are only some of the many churches, monasteries, and hermitages that are scattered in this area.

Maratea is also home to fascinating beaches, surrounded by wild nature and rocky coasts.

A not-to-be-missed attraction is a statue of Cristo Redentore (Christ the Redeemer). Being more than 21 meters tall, it is the second tallest statue in the world after the one in Rio de Janeiro. It lies 650 meters above sea level so it is also the best lookout point over the whole Gulf of Policastro.

If you love visiting churches you can reach the Medieval village of Rivello (pic n°5), just 20 kilometers away from Maratea. This small village, perched on a ridge almost 500 meters a.s.l., is featuring a high number of churches and other buildings, evidence of its historic, cultural, and religious past. Also, you can stroll along its picturesque narrow streets and admire the finely-decorated houses and balconies.

The ancient village of Castrocucco (pic n°6) lies right at the border with Calabria. The main attraction of the town is its impressive castle. The town's name probably comes from the fortified castle, perched on a spur about 120 meters a.s.l., which allows visitors to enjoy spectacular views over the coast of Maratea and the entire Gulf of Policastro. You can still visit the ruin of the ancient city walls and of some buildings, including a guard tower and the church of St. Peter.

Departure: Castrocucco
Arrival: Rivello
Length: Km 32

Some pictures:

Maratea (pic n°1); (pic n°2); (pic n°3); Gulf of Policastro (pic n°4); Rivello (pic n°5); Castrocucco (pic n°6);

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Photo gallery

Tour in Italy: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - pic 1
Tour in Italy: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - pic 2
Tour in Italy: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - pic 3
Tour in Italy: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - Pic 4
Tour in Italy: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - Pic 5
Tour in Italy: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - Pic 6
Itinerary map

Tour map

Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea - Mappa


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Id: 80

Tour: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea

Category: Country sightseeing tour

Published by/Copyright: Touring-Italy.net

Location: Seaside

Region: Basilicata , Italy

Hits: 8637

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