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The ancient village of Castrocucco (pic n°6) lies right at the border with Calabria. The main attraction of the town is its impressive castle. The town's name probably comes from the fortified castle, perched on a spur about 120 meters a.s.l., which allows visitors to enjoy spectacular views over the coast of Maratea and the entire Gulf of Policastro. You can still visit the ruin of the ancient city walls and of some buildings, including a guard tower and the church of St. Peter.
Departure: Castrocucco
Arrival: Rivello
Length: Km 32
Some pictures:
Maratea (pic n°1); (pic n°2); (pic n°3); Gulf of Policastro (pic n°4); Rivello (pic n°5); Castrocucco (pic n°6);
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Id: 80
Tour: Discover the coast of Maratea, pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea
Category: Country sightseeing tour
Published by/Copyright: Touring-Italy.net
Location: Seaside
Region: Basilicata , Italy
Hits: 8637
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