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A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello


A scenic tour along the Nature Reserve of the Lagoon of Orbetello, Tuscany, to discover the Roman archeology

Itinerary: Ansedonia, Porto Ercole, Porto Santo Stefano, Orbetello
A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello
You will follow the scenic road across the Lagoon of Orbetello (pic n°1), (pic n°2), (pic n°3), which is one of the most pristine nature reserves in Tuscany and in Italy. The tour starts from Ansedonia, which can be easily reached coming from Strada Statale 1 Via Aurelia, one of the most important state roads in Italy, built on an ancient Roman road.

Ansedonia is worth a visit thanks to its natural, historical, and archeology values. It is a beautiful and peaceful seaside resort located in the Tuscan Maremma, and it mostly welcomes VIPs in beautiful villas nestled in the vegetation of the area.

The ancient Roman city called Cosa, built in 273 B.C., is located on the same promontory. It features an interesting archeological site where you can visit its ancient beauties: the walls, the narrow streets, the Foro, the beautiful Arx (pic n°4), and an area (the Acropolis) hosting an amazing temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. There is also an interesting national museum with lots of artifacts, such as decorations and everyday objects.

Now, it is time to reach the Lagoon of Orbetello (pic n°2). It is separated from the Tyrrhenian Sea by two tombolos (stripes of sandy land) called Giannella the northern one and Feniglia the southern one, divided by Monte Argentario. The town of Orbetello is located on another tombolo right in the middle of the lagoon.

Lagoon Orbetello is also a great place for those who love having a seaside relaxing holiday: the two above-mentioned tombolos offer sandy dunes surrounded by beautiful, wild, and unspoiled areas while the nearby Ansedonia and Talamone feature rocky beaches.

Who love nature, flora, and fauna will be enchanted by this Natural Reserve! It has been recognized by WWF as a Wetland of international interest, thanks to its ponds, rushes, tiny isles covered with Mediterranean maquis, and many species of birds that love living in these areas, flamingos included!

You can also visit Monte Argentario's promontory, where you can enjoy spectacular views over Porto Ercole (pic n°5) and Porto Santo Stefano (pic n°6): picturesque and lively villages that are listed among the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Starting point: Ansedonia
Ending point: Albinia
Tour length: Km 53

Some pictures of Orbetello Lagoon:

Lagoon of Orbetello (pic n°1), (pic n°2), (pic n°3); Arx (pic n°4); Porto Ercole (pic n°5); Porto Santo Stefano (pic n°6);

Tour on map

Photo gallery

Tour in Italy: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - pic 1
Tour in Italy: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - pic 2
Tour in Italy: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - pic 3
Tour in Italy: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - Pic 4
Tour in Italy: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - Pic 5
Tour in Italy: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - Pic 6
Itinerary map

Tour map

A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello - Mappa


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Id: 83

Tour: A scenic tour throughout the stunning Lagoon of Orbetello

Category: Country sightseeing tour

Published by/Copyright: Touring-Italy.net

Location: Seaside

Region: Tuscany , Italy

Hits: 8078

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