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The purpose of this site is to help visitors plan their holiday in Italy or simply better understand this country. In fact, every year millions of tourists from all over the world come to Italy and visit it.
On this site, you will find many tour tips you can choose from. All our tours can be followed on your own. With many of them there is a Roadbook Package available with all the digital files you will need: you just should have a car or a motorcycle (you can easily rent one if you arrive by plane). While you can follow most of the "city-tours" on foot (or rent a bike) since many Italian towns do not allow vehicle access at all to their historic centers.
When talking about Italy, people usually think of Rome, Florence, Venice, Amalfi Coast or Sicily. All of them are beautiful and unique places, but Italy is even much more than that! Therefore, on our site, you will find not only the most famous attractions but also many small "treasures", beautiful villages with Medieval charm and full of history, culture and arts Italy boasts everywhere on its boot-shaped land washed by the sea almost all around, except the northern part where the high, majestic Alps bordering it. Beyond these beautiful art cities, our tours will take you to the most scenic roads, country tours, and will also show you many winding roads that are so beloved by the motorcyclists and bikers.
The tours are classified also by regions, very useful as it allows to gather lots of information just at the very beginning of your planning.
In the Food&Wine section, you can learn many interesting features about the most famous and renowned Italian food and wines.
In our "Where to stay" (Hotels) section there are listed some fine Italian hotels and accommodations, and we have also a very large searching system to find any kind of accommodation you need.
Our team, Nick, Mara and Monica, also expert travelers, welcome you!
For any questions, please contact us by email:
If you would like to add your accommodation: Add your Hotel
Please take note:
About the self-made tour tips sections: if you follow our tour tips, please, you have to gather on your own all the information about the local rules, opening hours, weather and street conditions, and so on, before starting out on a tour, since they might be subject to change. We are not whatsoever liable in this regard.