(Lecce - Apulia), Italy
(Lecce - Apulia), Italy
The best accommodations in Otranto and nearby
distance Km from Otranto LE
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0.2 km from Otranto
South Italy - Apulia - Seaside - Salento
Via Rondachi, 1 - Otranto - (Lecce)
Hotel Palazzo Papaleo has the charm of the old homes of Otranto and it stands for the comforts and the location in the heart of the Salento ...
27.9 km from Otranto
South Italy - Apulia - Countryside - Salento
Via per Collepasso - Cutrofiano - (Lecce)
Sangiorgio Resort, an elegant 5-star hotel, is an ancient renovated convent sorrounded by olive trees in the beautiful Salento countryside ...
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