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Touring Italy - Great travel tips, tours
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Great travel tips to help plan your holiday or vacation in Italy. Art city and country tours, scenic drives, the best Italian ski resorts and also food & wine tours and reviews

Ferrara, the beautiful Renaissance city of the d'Este family

North Italy - Emilia Romagna

Ferrara, the beautiful Renaissance city of the d'Este family

Ferrara is known as one of the capitals of Renaissance in Italy, rich in artistic and cultural beauties, near river Po ...


Art cities, scenic drives and ski resorts. Food & wine and sightseeing tours

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*Valsavarenche in Aosta Valley: a wild and charming valley


Itinerary: Valsavarenche, Aosta, Sarre, Aymavilles, Introd, Creton, Dégioz, Gran Paradiso National Park

Scenic Drive - North Italy

Valsavarenche in Aosta Valley: a wild and charming valley

Visiting Valsavarenche and Gran Paradiso National Park in Aosta Valley, enjoying high mountains and beautiful landscapes

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Mountainside

Region: Aosta Valley

Area: The Alps & The Dolomites

*The Aquileia Wine Road, a combination of history and wine


Itinerary: Aquileia, Palmanova, Cervignano del Friuli, Strassoldo, Clauiano

North Italy

The Aquileia Wine Road, a combination of history and wine

From Venice to Aquileia: Exploring Italy's Wine Roads, Ancient Ruins, Cultural Heritag while tasting the delicious wines

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Friuli V.G.

Circeo National Park, the promontory south of Rome

Itinerary: San Felice Circeo, Circeo National Park, Sabaudia

Central Italy

Circeo National Park, the promontory south of Rome

Wandering about the National Park of Circeo on the promontory where the legend of the sorceress Circe is still alive

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Seaside

Region: Latium

*Colle dell'Agnello, the highest Alpine pass in Piedmont


Itinerary: Sampeyre, Casteldelfino, Pontechianale, Chianale

Scenic Drive - North Italy

Colle dell'Agnello, the highest Alpine pass in Piedmont

Colle dell'Agnello is the highest international road pass of the Alps, located on the border between Italy and France

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Mountainside

Region: Piedmont

Area: The Alps & The Dolomites

Discover the stunning West Shore of Lake Garda

Itinerary: Salò, Limone sul Garda, Riva del Garda

Scenic Drive - North Italy

Discover the stunning West Shore of Lake Garda

Scenic drive along the wonderful West Shore of Lake Garda to discover enchanting villages while enjoying beautiful views

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Lakeshore

Region: Lombardy ->the end in Trentino A.A.(South Tirol)

Area: Lake Garda

*Tuscany: moving from Montepulciano to the Val d'Orcia Valley


Itinerary: Montepulciano, Pienza, San Quirico d'Orcia, Montalcino

Central Italy

Tuscany: moving from Montepulciano to the Val d'Orcia Valley

Crossing south Tuscany, from Montepulciano to the Sant'Antimo Abbey through the spectacular Val d'Orcia Valley

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Tuscany

Area: Siena Area


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